Thursday, October 23, 2008


Welcome to my blog on the Bates method of natural vision improvement. This method is based on relaxation, both physical and mental. My aim in creating this blog is, first, to introduce people to the Bates method as I have not seen similar material on the net, second, to promote methods of natural vision improvement.

In this blog I am going to introduce to you tips and techniques that allow your eyes to relax and see better, sometimes in minutes.

I have been studying the Bates method for years and I have not seen anything similar to the concept that I have in mind and I am going to introduce on this blog. I am going to publish articles on the Bates method, recommend certain books and give you my own ideas about the methods and techniques involved.

Of course the techniques will not be limited exclusevely to Bates but he is the founder of the feast. We'll deal with anything that relates to natural vision improvement.

So if you came to this blog looking for the ways to improve your vision and are not familiar with the Bates method, than welcome aboard. I am going to take you for the ride that will leave a lasting impression.

1 comment:

Thomas Wold said...

Nice writing about a VERY important subject!

Do us all a favor and keep it up!!