Monday, January 5, 2009

Blinking vs. Winking

Dr. Agarwal put a big stress on correct blinking, more so than Bates. In fact he used to demonstrate to his patients the difference between the two. Myopic people tend to wink, they do it unconsciously because the act of winking flattens the eyeball or the cornea and they seem to experience a slightly better vision. But winking also strains the muscles. Develop the habit of blinking instead.

Blinking should be very light and effortless. Think of a butterfly waving its wings. This image should cause you to blink correctly at least for a few moments.


Anonymous said...


I just found your blog! This looks like a great resource of articles. I keep a vision blog at where I'm documenting my experience with the Bates method. So far so good, I started with -8 glasses and was only ablt to see 5/200 on the Snellen chart. Now I can normally use a computer from a normal distance without glasses, my optometrist has confirmed that my yes are improving, and most importantly, I've comfirmed that my eyes are improving. My visual accuity now is around 20/50 - 20/70.

What is your personal experience with the Bates method? I couldn't find it written anywhere here.

I'll add you to my list of 'vision bloggers'.

Best wishes,

Alice deMont said...

Hi, sorrisi

I am very impressed with your progress. Your vision is very close to "normal". I can't report any permanent results yet, right now I am working on getting controlled flashes.

Keep up the good work. It is great that we are developing the Bates community here, people who are actually practicing and spreading Bates method.

Good luck!